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CTD stands for conductivity, temperature, and depth, and refers to a package of electronic devices used to detect how the conductivity and temperature of water changes relative to depth.   The Drop Corer is designed to recover high quality core samples up to in length from a variety of soft sediments.
The box corer is used to sample soft sediments at the bottom of lakes, bays, and the ocean.   Multibeam echosounder(MBES) is a type of active sonar system used to map the seafloor and detect objects in the water column or along the seafloor.
The Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measures the speed and direction of ocean currents using the principle of “Doppler shift”.   Trawls, which are nets towed behind a boat to collect organisms.
Photogrammetry is a method of approximating a three dimensional structure using two dimensional images. It has become an efficient way to rapidly record underwater archaeological sites and can also be used to characterize seafloor features. Remotely operated vehicles( ROVs), are submersible robots that allow us to explore the ocean without actually being in the ocean.
HOVs are submersibles that bring a small group of scientists, pilots, and electronic equipment down in the water column and onto the seafloor, allowing in-person research and observation.   Sound NAvigation and Ranging—SONAR—is used to find and identify objects in water. It is also used to determine water depth (bathymetry). Sonar is applied to water-based activities because sound waves attenuate (taper off) less in water as they travel than do radar and light waves.